> Sinalética do Hotel Portobay Flores  |  Hotel Portobay Flores’ Signage
Oporto, Portugal, started in April 2019 and completed in July 2019
Role global signage project development
Partners P-06 Atelier

> Exposição: Fundação Bissaya Barreto: 1958-2018″  |  Exhibition: “Bissaya Barreto Foundation: 1958-2018”
Coimbra, Portugal, started in April 2019 and completed in September 2019
Role development of the project and monitoring of the assembly
Partners Edigma

> Projecto de Museografia do Templo da Poesia  |  Poetry Temple Museography Project Oeiras, Portugal, started in May 2018 and completed in June
Role development of intentions project
Partners Edigma


> Stand Danaher para a IDS Event  |  Danaher Stand for IDS Event
IDS Event, Cologne, started in August 2018 and completed in January 2019Role coordination of the global design proposal, development of graphic environments and interior design

>  Stand do Turismo de Omã para a ITB  |  Oman Tourism Stand for ITB
ITB, Berlin, started in August 2018
Role collaboration in the global design proposal, development of graphic environments and interior design

>  Museu dos recursos de Água de Nizwa  |  Nizwa Water Resources Museum
Nizwa, Oman, started in July 2018
Role collaboration in the global design proposal

>  Museu do Relógio de Serpa  |  Serpa Watch
Serpa, Portugal, started in July 2018
Role development of intentions project


>  Museu das Caves Cockburn’s  |  Cockburn’s Lodge Museum
Cockburn’s Lodge, Oporto, Portugal, started in May 2016 and completed in July 2017
Role development of museography project

>  Projecto de Museologio da Vila Galo-romana de Séviac  |  Project for the Museology of the Gallo-roman Villa of Séviac

Montréal-du-Gers, France
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role colaboration in the  preliminary study and development project of the museography project, started in April 2012 and completed in December 2017

>  Exposição: “A Prova do Tempo | 40 anos de Constituição”  |  Exhibition: “The Time Proof | 40 years of Constitution”
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in April 2016
Role development of graphic museography project and team management
>  Núcleo Arqueológico – Museu Municipal de Lagos  |  Archaeological Centre – Lagos Municipal Museum
Lagos, Portugal
Role development of the project intents, completed in October 2015

>  Convento de Jesus  | Jesus’ Monastery
Setúbal, Portugal, started in July 2014 and completed in June 2015
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role development of global museography project

> Exposição: “40 anos de Eleições e Referendos”  |  Exhibition: “40 years of Elections and Referendums”
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in November 2014
Role development of global museography project

>  Sala leques – Casa-Museu Medeiros e Almeida  |  Fans Room – House-Museum Medeiros e Almeida
House-Museum Medeiros e Almeida, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in November 2014
Role coordination of graphic museography project

>  Exposição ”Portugal e a Grande Guerra”  |  Exhibition “Portugal and the Great War”
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, started in July and completed in September 2014
Role development of the graphic project intents, completed in July 2014

>  Museu Nacional da Escravatura, Angola  |  National Slavery Museum, Angola
Luanda, Angola, started in October 2013 and completed in August 2014
Role development of graphic museography project

>  Núcleo Arqueológico da Casa dos Bicos – Museu de Lisboa  |  Casa dos Bicos Archaeological Centre – Lisbon Museum
Lisbon, Portugal, started in November 2013 and completed in July 2014
Role development of global museography project

>  Santo António – Museu de Lisboa  |  Sant Antony – Lisbon Museum
Lisbon, Portugal, started in February and completed in July 2014
Partners Site Specific Architects
Role development of global museography project

 >  Exposição: “Farmácia – A Arte Milenar de Curar”  |  Exhibition: “Pharmacy – The Millennial Art of Healing”
Coimbra Hospital, Portugal, started in Abril and completed in November 2013
Role development of the project intents

>  Museu FC Porto by BMG  |  FC Porto Museum by BMG
Oporto, Portugal, started in May and completed in September 2013
Partners Muse and Estúdio Rui Guimarães
Role colaboration in the development of museography project

Museu Graham’s: “A História de duas Famílias do Vinho do Porto: os Graham e os Symington” | Graham’s Museum: “The Story of Two Port Families: the Graham’s and the Symingtons”
Graham’s 1890 Lodge, Oporto, Portugal, completed in November 2012
Role development of global museography project and team management

>  Museu Nacional Ferroviário  |  National Railway Museum
Entroncamento, Portugal, completed in March 2012
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role development of the project intents

>  Exposição: “Memória da Politécnica: quatro séculos de educação, ciência e cultura  | Exhibition: “Polytechnic Memory: four centuries of education, science and culture”
MNHNC, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in February 2012
Partners Site Specific
Role development of global museography project and team management

Exposição: “A Assembleia Constituinte e a Constituição de 1911”  |
Exhibition: “The Constituent Assembly and the Constitution of 1911”
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in October 2011
Role development of graphic museography project
Awards SEGD Design Awards 2012 | Honor

>  Museu da Fábrica de Descasque do Arroz  |  Rice Husking Factory Museum
Comporta, Portugal, completed in July 2011
Role development of global museography project and team management

CICA – Centro de Interpretação da Cultura do Ananás  |  CICA – Interpretive Center of the Pineapple Cultivation
Ilha de São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, work in progress
Partners SAMI Archictes
Role development of the execution project, completed in December 2011

Centro Interpretativo da Ordem de Avis  |  Interpretive Center of Avis Order
Avis, Portugal, completed in June 2014
Role development of the project intents, completed in May 2011

Museu da Farmácia do Porto  |  Pharmacy Museum of Oporto
ANF, Oporto, Portugal, completed in November 2010
Partners Site Specific
Role assembly coordination

Exposição: “Colecionar para a Res Publica: O legado do Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves”  | Exhibition: “Collecting for Res-public: the Legacy of Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves”
CMAG, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in October 2010
Role development of global museography project and team management

Exposição: ” Carolina Beatriz Ângelo: Intersecções dos sentidos / palavras, actos e imagens”  | Exhibition: “Carolina Beatriz Ângelo:  intersections of senses / words, acts and images
Guarda Museum, Guarda, Portugal, completed in June 2010
Role development of global museography project and team management

Exposição de antevisão do futuro “Museu da Imprensa” e do “Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades”
Exhibition preview of the “Museum of the Press” and “Museum of Migration and Communities”
Fafe, Portugal, completed in September 2009
Role development of museography project without monitoring production and assembly

Museu de Aguarela Roque Gameiro  |  Roque Gameiro Watercolour Museum
Minde, Portugal, completed in July 2009
Role development of global museography project and team management

Exposição: “A Luta Contra a Tuberculose: uma Emergência Global”  |  Exhibition: “The Fight Against Tuberculosis, a Global Emergency”
Pharmacy Museum, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in March 2009
Role development of museography project

>  Exposição: “Os anos de exilio da Rainha D. Amélia: Colecção Rémi Fénérol”  | Exhibition: “The exile years of Queen Amelia: Rémi Fénérol Collection”
CMAG, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in November 2008
Role development of museography project

> Museu do Oriente | East Museum
Lisbon, Portugal, completed in May 2008
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role graphic treatment of exhibition written contents and development of the graphic patterns
Awards Red Dot Awards 2009: Communication Design – Information Design/Public Space and SEGD Design Award 2010 | Merit Award

Exposição: “Os Tratados entre Portugal e os Países da União Europeia, séculos XIII-XXI”
Exhibition: “Treaties Between Portugal and the European Union Countries, XIII-XXI centuries”
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in September 2007
Role colaboration in the development of museography project


Remodelação da Pousada de S. Lourenço  |  Remodelling of the Saint Lawrence Inn 
Manteigas, Portugal
Partners Site Specific Architects
Role coordination and development of the environmental design project, started in March 2015 and completed in December 2017

>  Projecto de Design de  Ambientes das Caves Cockburn’s  |  Cockburn’s Lodge Environmental Design Project
Cockburn’s Lodge, Oporto, Portugal, started in May 2016 and completed in July 2017
Role coordination and development of the environmental design project and assembly monitoring

>  Projecto de Ambientes do restaurante SOI – asian street food  |  SOI – asian street food Restaurant Environmental Project
Rua da Moeda, Lisbon, Portugal, started in September 2016 and completed in August 2017
Partner Goma (Soi graphic identity and graphic wall intervention)
Role coordenation of  the environmental design project and construction monitoring

>  Galeria de Presidentes e Comandantes da Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários Egitanienses  |  Gallery of Presidents and Commanders of the Humanitarian Association of Guarda’s Voluntary Firefighters
Guarda Fire Station, Guarda, Portugal, started in June and completed in August 2016
Role creative direction and development of all project phases

>  Stand da Burel para a Maison & Objet Asia  |  Burel Stand for Maison&Objet Asia
Singapore,started in February and completed in March 2016
Role development of the environmental design project

>  Stand da Burel para a Maison&Objet Paris  |  Burel Stand for Maison & Objet  Paris
Paris, France,started in December 2015 and completed in January 2016
Role development of the environmental design project

>  Loja da Burel – Porto  |  Burel Shop – Oporto
Oporto, Portugal, started in November and completed in December 2015
Partners Site Specific Architects
Role collaboration in the environmental design project

>  Projecto de Requalificação do Campo das Cebolas  |  Campo das Cebolas Requalification Project 
Lisbon, Portugal
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role development of the intentions project for the square pavement design, completed in January 2015

>  Lounge da Ana  |  Ana’s Lounge
Lisbon Airport, Portugal, started in 2011 and completed in 2015
Partners Site Specific Architects
Role collaboration in the environmental design project (October 2013)

>  Projecto para a Sala de Provas da Graham’s  |  Project for Graham’s Tasting Room
Oporto, Portugal, started in December 2012 and completed in March 2013
Role development of the environmental design project

>  Projecto de Ambientes para o Hotel Liesma  |  Hotel Liesma Environmental Project
Jurmala, Latvia
Partners Ventura Trindade Architects
Role collaboration in the environmental design project, completed in february 2013

>  Projecto de Ambientes Gráficos e Sinalética para o Hotel 3K Europa  |  Hotel 3K Europa environmental graphic design project and wayfinding
Lisboa, Portugal
Partners  FSSMGN (interior architecture) and MetroUrbe (architecture)
Role development of the  preliminary study for de wayfinding and environmental graphic design project, completed in March 2010

>  Sinalética da Escola Alemã de Lisboa  |  German School of Lisbon Wayfinding
German School of Lisbon, Telheiras, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in 2010
Partners JLCG Arquitectos
Role wayfinding project | team management

>  Instalação comemorativa da inauguração da nova Fábrica de Papel  | Installation commemorating the inauguration of the new Paper Factory
Portucel Pulp and Paper Factory, Setúbal, Portugal, completed in 2009
Role development of three-dimensional installation for the celebration of the new facilities

>  Arquitecto Ventura Terra  – 1866-1919  |  Ventura Terra Architect – 1866-1919
Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, Portugal, completed in March 2009
Role Exhibition announcement at the Assembly of the Republic’s entrance staircase